Author: Ebukah E. Nzeji

Meet Ebele Okoye, Nigeria’s first female animator and arguably one of Africa’s first female animators. Born in the late 60s right in the middle of the Nigeria-Biafra civil war, Okoye’s life is filled with unique moments that will become the catalysts that set her on the unique path of pursuing a career in animation. Especially at an early age and at a time when imagining a career as an animator, in Africa, was a blur. “The rebel in me rejected Watchtower but found pleasure in Awake!, because of the rich illustrations and interesting articles.” One of such unique moments was…

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There are over 73 theatres and 250 screens across the country (Comscore). Yet one can still get a sense of a hangover from the belief that profiting at the Nollywood Box Office is still mostly at the behest of the capricious arms of mother luck. There is something larger at play. Because despite a few ivory tower wins here and there, most Nollywood theatrical releases are still not breaking even, talk more of making a profit. There seems to be something really off that we could give more attention to, a gaping gulf hiding in plain sight. Dear Nollywood, The…

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