San Diego Comic Con just concluded and we were treated to a number of new trailers and teasers for upcoming movies and TV Shows. I wasn’t so much pumped this year compared to last year […]
With an increase in the number of series produced, and money forked out for new projects and ideas the day was bound to come. Netflix gains more nominations than HBO in 2018. “I was alive”, […]
This series which I am starting today is highly picture based(turn on images 🤗). As movies and series watchers, whether casual, addicts or frequent bingers, there are various moments we can all relate to as […]
Don’t judge a book by its cover. This movie hits the right spot for those who’ve experienced the post secondary school life in Nigeria, makes it sugar-creamy enticing for those who lived elsewhere and those […]
(this post was originally published on The Shawnife’s blog. Slight changes and updates have been made.) When you hear of Netflix, first thing that comes to your mind is “… and chill”or a picture of […]