Happy new year to my readers. This signals a year that this blog has gone live. To celebrate this milestone, I promised to pop some Caprisonne– those who remember must have been waiting for this moment. Our Caprisonne in this case would be a giveaway where there would be just ONE winner taking it all home. Are you ready? Multiple heads might be better than one in this case, so grab your TV buddy over and play together for higher chances of winning and maybe share the winnings with him or her.

Giveaway instructions: The image above is a mashup of stars of various TV shows from 2018. Some might argue they are mainstream, successful, flops or on the low. Doesn’t matter this time. Name as many as you can and the respective TV shows they starred in. Either on twitter (using this link) or the response box below. Have fun!
Winning participant is the person who lists the most names. In the situation of a tie, the fastest participant would be awarded the giveaway prize.
PRIZE LIST: There are three tiers of prize for the giveaway due to logistical reasons.
- Ibadan, Nigeria residents: Two movie wall posters to be picked up in Ibadan.
- Nigeria residents (outside Ibadan): 5,000 Naira cash.
- Readers who reside outside Nigeria: 15 Euro Netflix gift card. (equivalent to 2 months basic subscription)
Bis Bald!