Popular Manga series, One Punch Man, is being developed into a live-action feature film by Sony. According to Variety, Venom…
Browsing: TV Shows
We are mostly all locked in. Some are starting to get restless. Some like me are still enjoying the God…
I started watching Big Mouth the year it premiered. Accompanied with other adult animated TV shows, it was groundbreaking, based…
Spoiler free review It has been 445 days since Netflix announced their first original coming from Africa, namely Queen Sono.…
Game of Thrones took home the biggest award of the night by winning the best drama award, but unfortunately lost…
As Avengers: Endgame, which served as the end of the third MCU phase recently passed Avatar as the biggest movie…
It has to get better. The way we treat each other and look out for each other. It has to get better somehow.
From people faking and claiming depression, to being insomniac, it seems the newest coolest thing in town for the cool…
You’re a fan of the DC Arrowverse? Do you watch and follow all closely? Great! Or you’re just into one?…
The Emmy Awards took place last night and first thing I’d say is 80% of my predictions were right. No…