Hadu, an animated short film directed by Damilola Solesi and produced by Smids Animation Studios is making waves on the international festival circuit. A non-dialogue film, which explores family, culture, and heritage, recently screened at the Academy Award-qualifying CINANIMA – International Animated Film Festival in Portugal—one of its several screenings across the globe in the last months.
Also fresh off winning Best Animation Short at the 2024 Africa International Film Festival (AFRIFF) and the Fak’ugesi Digital Africa Festival in Johannesburg, South Africa, Hadu continues a remarkable journey.
This Nigerian animation highlights the rising prominence of the country’s animation industry joining the wave of global interest sparked by Disney’s Iwaju set in futuristic Lagos and YouNeek Studios’ Iyanu set to premiere on Cartoon Network, HBO Max and Showmax in 2025.
Hadu follows the journey of Simi, a young girl who reconnects with her roots through the cherished bond with her grandmother. Rich with magical realism and a touch of nostalgia, Hadu captures the essence of 1990s Nollywood cinema, presenting an Afro-contemporary narrative that celebrates the resilience, joy, and enduring legacy of African traditions.
“We aimed to create a film that reflects the richness of Afro-contemporary culture and the unspoken connections that bind families together,” said Damilola Solesi, Director of Hadu and Founder of Smids Animation Studios. “Winning Best Animation at Fak’ugesi and AFRIFF, and screening at these internationally respected festivals, is both humbling and a testament to the global appeal of African stories. We’re honoured to share Hadu with audiences worldwide.”
Smids Animation Studios is an animation production company based in Lagos Nigeria devoted to crafting African stories that resonate on a global scale.
General screening details of Hadu remain unknown. It has also screened at the 2024 ANIMAGE Festival in Brazil and the Silicon Valley African Film Festival in the USA.
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