Rising Nollywood actress Kanyin Eros is set to resurrect the lives of some notable women in Nigerian history in a short one-man video series, titled The Secret Lives of Nigerian Women, which will focus on the underexplored exploits of these women’s lives.

Official poster for The Secret Lives of Nigerian Women.

Produced by Guguru Media, a talent management and production company based in Lagos, the short video series aims to document these iconic and political women in Nigeria’s history whilst also pushing Eros’ depth as an actor and storyteller. 

Eros hopes to provide a human side to the women’s heroics. “As much as we commend their bravery, they are regular human beings who wanted change and goodness for society, hence, the video series is my humble attempt to honour them,” Eros shares in a statement. 

The female figures in the series include Funmilayo Ransome Kuti (the influential political and human rights activist), Chioma Ajunwa (the first Nigerian gold medalist), Margret Ekpo (the first Nigerian female politician who pioneered Nigerian women’s activism), Agbani Darego, (the first black African woman to win Miss World), Sandra Aguebor Ekperuoh (the first Nigerian female mechanic), and Ladi Dosei popularly known as Ladi Kwali (the pioneer of modern pottery.)

“As a storyteller and actor, I’m excited and eager for people to know these women and have insightful conversations around them, and I’m hopeful that people will learn about these women and be moved to recommend other influential women who I can spotlight too,” Eros further shares with excitement. 

Chinazaekpere Chukwu leads the writing team for The Secret Lives of Nigerian Women.

The first episode of the series was released on May 23rd, 2024 on her Instagram page @kanyineross.

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