Saturday, March 29th, 2025

Ndani TV’s ‘Love Like This’ Recap: Season 1, Episode 10, “Have You Subscribed?”

Isn’t it a bit too late for the brewing drama?

After last week’s bottle episode, “Double Date”, at the restaurant, we return to the lives of other couples and also get to see how Abiye feels about Kamal’s outburst that closed the previous episode.

Love Like This episode 10 begins with Maka and her mom trying to reach a compromise on Maka’s new path as a YouTuber. Maka’s mum insists on a 6-month probation and if during that period Maka’s YouTube dream doesn’t work, she would go for her master’s. Maka is initially hesitant to such an agreement, but later accepts. Maka’s Mum asks about Remi and the previous discussion of him bringing his family for a proper introduction. Maka reveals Remi’s stance on not wanting to get married now which Maka’s mum finds contradictory since he claims he likes her daughter, so why wouldn’t he be doing everything to marry her as soon as possible. Honestly, Maka’s mum and Remi both have valid reasons, however, it’s important that Maka’s mum doesn’t turn to a place of force rather than a good place of advice.

Ndani TV’s ‘Love Like This’ Recap: Season 1, Episode 9, “Double Date”

Abiye and Teni go over what happened on the date with Kamal and Chidi. Abiye is scared Kamal’s attitude at the dinner towards the waiter could become a reality for her in the relationship, when asked if she had never noticed this. She explains that they hadn’t been to places like dates before so she had never seen him act that way. Teni quickly drops the possibility of his change in character being a result of small money entering his hand, which could be a possibility as we have seen how in reality some people change based on their new position and increase in finances. However, Abiye’s concerns are valid and should definitely be taken seriously by her. Well, I ain’t surprised by this flip from Kamal and I still maintain that there is fire from the smoke we see.

Abiye asks Teni how her night after the dinner went and it appears that Teni and Chidi did hit it off later that night. I don’t understand how that would have been possible when they had a rift at the restaurant because of Child’s desire for something more passionate, so how did this now spiral to them hitting it off later that night. Did Chidi change his mind about wanting something passionate or did Teni succumb to Chidi’s desire? Teni almost makes a slip about her mystery crush, which definitely confirms that it isn’t Chidi she likes.

We go on to Remi having a discussion with Nimi about his conversation with Maka’s mum, which Maka walks into. Maka asks Nimi how the spying is going, so we know that he went on with the phone cloning even after Tamara had given him assurance. Maka suggests a public closure with Abiye (on her YouTube page) since his embarrassment was public and how it could also help his struggle to fully trust Tamara. The scene wraps up with a hint from Maka as she says she is waiting for Remi to do the right thing. Could this be her way of saying she is ready for marriage?

Kamal and Abiye have a talk about the restaurant incident as Abiye expresses her fears and Kamal reassures her that it was just a bad night and he hasn’t changed.

Maka appeals to Remi to talk to Abiye about having a closure conversation on her YouTube before the conversation spirals to if they are in a weird space or not because of the issue of marriage. Remi does help Maka talk to Abiye and although she refuses at first, a little lie from Maka about Nimi being okay with the idea makes her change her mind.

Back to Tamara and Nimi who are in the gym yet again, I am saying yet again cause these guys always seem to be here most of the time (thinking about it again, that’s where they met, duhhh!). Jimi walks in and greets Tamara playfully as they would before, which Tamara quickly stops. Tamara is clearly trying hard to make this relationship work and it would hurt her when the phone cloning act is revealed as no secret remains buried forever. 

Ndani TV’s ‘Love Like This’ Recap: Season 1, Episode 7, “Insecure”

Ndani TV’s ‘Love Like This’ Recap: Season 1, Episode 8, “Do The Right Thing”

The constant marriage talk. Via Ndani TV

Remi goes to pick Maka for a date and has a talk with her mother who brings up the marriage topic. Remi still puts his foot down on not wanting Maka to rush into marriage and would not be doing any introduction no matter how big or small yet. Big applause for Remi for not breaking based on pressure, however, he needs to ask Maka if she honestly is okay with it as everyone else seems to know what she needs without even asking her.

The couple proceed to discuss with Nimi about the idea of a public closure on YouTube which he had earlier turned down. Things almost go south but on hearing that Abiye has agreed to do it he also agrees to do it too. But I couldn’t help but notice Remi being a bit withdrawn, is the marriage question stirring up a bother.

It is at this point I say this episode was quite long and more differently so because it felt like a lot was trying to happen, so bear with me on this recap.

Chidi professes his love one last time? Via Ndani TV.

One would have thought the double date would be the last of the duo couple hangout, no o. They enjoy each other’s company at a Paint and Sip as they paint and throw banter around about each other’s painting, till Chidi reveals his own which turns out to be a painting of Teni, which leaves everybody astonished. Chidi expresses his feelings for her once again and issues a sort of ultimatum asking her to decide and let him go if she doesn’t like him.

I am super puzzled by Teni’s character, what’s really going on. Is this a fall out of past hurt from a relationship or just a fear of getting hurt, or does she indeed like someone else? Quite a mystery is being teased, which would be disappointing if the reveal falls flat.

Love Like This episode 10 was directed by Adeola Osunkojo and written by Barbara Chidi Ifeanyi.

Rating: C

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Side Musings

  • This YouTube closure better gives correct drama.
  • Chidi’s effort is honestly disturbing for me to see. Not saying Teni doesn’t deserve it but come on, all of a sudden Baba Cheating is Baba Effort and Consistent.
  • This episode was way too long. Please note, not necessarily in terms of time duration but majorly in terms of the number of details we had to consume.

A new episode drops every Friday on Ndani TV’s Youtube Channel. We publish a recap every week before the next episode.

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