Monday, March 31st, 2025

Ndani TV’s ‘Love Like This’ Recap: Season 1, Episode 12, “Closure” (Season Finale)

Closure brings along some shocking revelations. 

We have come to the end of the first season of Ndani TV’s YouTube series Love Like This, with episode 12 titled “Closure”.

It has indeed been a long ride into various characters’ love life and we have reached a point that is expected to be a defining point for the couples. The previous episode ended with quite a dramatic and untraceable action of Nimi and Teni kissing, leaving us shocked and ready for the follow up. 

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The finale begins with Teni and Nimi sitting far apart in silence till Teni asks Nimi who he saw during their kiss. Nimi’s response gives her some calm, as he declares that he saw her when they kissed.

Teni returns home and is lost in her thoughts about the kiss with Nimi that she doesn’t realise when Abiye arrives. Relaying that Nimi is still very much interested in the YouTube closure and defending him when Abiye accuses Nimi of being passive aggressive, Teni, who struggles to get words out, tries to find out if Abiye would be okay with Nimi moving on. The two are interrupted by a delivery of flowers to Teni with a note from Chidi, your boyfriend. Well, it seems Teni might have accepted Chidi’s proposal with a text message we could possibly trace to when she was talking to Nimi, as we are left in the dark as to why she took that discussion even when she had expressed liking someone else. Teni reveals that she likes someone else as Abiye pokes to know why she feels some sort of way.

This part definitely didn’t add up. Do you remember Nadia? Well, I thought she and Chidi had ended things but to my surprise, Chidi is here sending her flowers and ending a relationship that we clearly thought died as far back as episode 2. Chidi reveals he wants to end the relationship and Nadia questions if he is in love with someone else and if that someone else was Teni before she storms off in tears. I definitely was furious as to why Nadia has been brought back for this heart-wrecking rubbish and I am happy Chidi is about to get served.

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Chidi arrives to see Teni who has been shown rehearsing how to end things with him. Teni’s mood is still off and she raises an excuse of being on her period to dismiss Chidi, which works just fine without him suspecting anything.

It’s the day of the shoot that Maka has put a lot of effort into with support from Remi, in quite an amazing leap for the couple. Both parties are present with Chidi and Teni there for Abiye and Remi also present to assist Maka. Things are quite awkward with Chidi and Teni as she is still dismissing him while she stares at Nimi who stares right back. Teni excuses herself as she steps out and is again lost in her thoughts. I guess this kiss has rattled things for her and Chidi doesn’t seem to be giving any space with the new development of them being boyfriend and girlfriend

The long-awaited discussion. Via NdaniTV.

It’s time to shoot and at the call for commencing by Maka, the lights go off and everything comes to a halt, Remi rushes to go find out what the problem is. Kamal arrives and declares that he is here to offer his support, he shows Teni the ring he got for Abiye. She questions his intent, asking whether he wants to propose because he loves her or because he is scared to lose her.


Meanwhile, Abiye and Nimi go over questions provided by Maka. They both go over memories of their relationship, the break up and the current state of their relationships. While the rest of the group is present at the closure session, Tamara arrives at Nimi’s House and tries to get a response as she knocks repeatedly but to no avail. I guess she was unaware of the date of the shoot, so she proceeds to send Nimi a voice note, expressing how she feels, apologizing for the things she said and declaring her love for him. She definitely would be heartbroken when she finds out Nimi kissed Teni and that he might actually have feelings for her.

The moment of truth. Via NdaniTV.

We return to the conversation going on between Nimi and Abiye, which Maka tries to halt as the power hasn’t yet been restored but is soon stopped by Chidi and Teni. The conversation seems to be going well and maybe the idea of closure was indeed needed between them, however, a shocking part is when Abiye asks Nimi if he is interested in getting back together. Yes o, that’s what I heard, I had to play it several times as I am wondering where the whole love mantra between her and Kamal has sunk to. But then again it’s just a matter of What If (from Maka’s prompt cards) and not necessarily her asking for him back. Nimi responds that he kissed Teni, which leaves everyone in shock with their jaws dropped. It has been a ride (one season-long setup) up until this shocking point. Although I did expect the Nimi and Teni duo, I didn’t expect it to wait this long. Season 2 will definitely bring drama as Chidi who likes or even loves Teni would have to go through the same pain he just served Nadia. The only part I wish I could avoid seeing is Tamara being hurt. Abiye would definitely make a fuss about Teni being with Nimi and I foresee this resistance being the major conflict of the next season. 

Love Like This episode 12 was directed by Adeola Osunkojo and written by Lani Aisida.

Rating: C

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Side Musings

  • It is at this point I ask why Kamal is never fully audible when he speaks?
  • The Nadia scene was quite unnecessary. 
  • The windy effects after Nimi reveals to the watching group that he kissed Teni was quite nice.

Episodes of Love Like This are available on NdaniTV YouTube Channel.

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  1. Rather than disagree with your rating of a ‘C’ for the show, I’d go ahead and share mine.

    It’s an ‘A’ for me!
    Dope story, so we’ll told. The beauty of the show is how the story and characters got us all sucked into it and that makes up for any flaw that a critic’s eyes might pick up

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