Love does require to be watered through hardwork for it to blossom.
Recall that the last episode was about bold and chicken steps, with Tamara kissing Nimi and Remi feeling scared to introduce Maka to his colleagues. Well, this episode takes us through more steps, something I find missing in other love stories, which is the work put into making things work when there is a problem in the relationship. I had a lot of butterflies in my belly and a good wicked laugh at the ‘ela’ given to some people.
The episode begins with Remi waking up to an empty space on the bed. Maka had left after the incident with Remi chickening out from introducing her to his colleagues. Next is Nimi, who runs into Abiye and Kamal. I definitely locked my eyes in for this scene as I didn’t want to miss any word or expression. Kamal tries to introduce himself with a handshake which Nimi ignores, and Abiye who is quick to protest about Nimi refusing the handshake soon finds out that Nimi hasn’t moved on to another relationship like she thought. Although I don’t support bad blood or keeping negativity when things go sour between two people, come on you can’t hurt someone and expect that when they see you it’s all smiles and flowers like your actions or words didn’t and still aren’t causing them pain. So that move by Abiye protesting Nimi’s reaction to Kamal’s audacious introduction, then her trying to ask about something that is none of her business is bullshit to me. Moving on, Abiye is left in shock and fails to introduce Kamal as her boyfriend and even shoves him off when he tries to do so with his actions.
Ndani TV’s ‘Love Like This’ Recap: Season 1, Episode 5, “April Showers May Bring Flowers’’
Nimi meets up with Teni who also finds out that Nimi hasn’t moved on and struggles to believe at first that he doesn’t have anything to do with Tamara. It’s time for Ndani to remove this Nimi and Teni duo from our screen, wait don’t get me wrong, Teni is being an amazing friend and that’s a thumbs up to her but this feeling for Nimi that she is burying like it is stale bread would definitely explode and create a mess. Nimi opens up about seeing Abiye when he kissed Tamara and Teni states that he isn’t over Abiye and that it wouldn’t be fair on Tamara.

Kamal and Abiye have a disagreement with what happened earlier as Kamal feels Abiye didn’t defend him during the situation and should have quoted their mantra. LMAO, I don’t know who is serving the breakfast but please help me add grounded pepper cause these two definitely aren’t serious. Even with Abiye pleading, Kamal is still angry and leaves abruptly. Wawu, ela oju kan, I laughed so much here.
The next scene has Maka discussing with Halima the situation with Remi. Halima feels it’s all a ploy for him to bring in someone else but Maka still defends him. Chai, love o. Maka and Halima are soon interrupted by Remi who cuts in when Maka tries to introduce him as a friend, revealing for the first time to a third party that he is her boyfriend. The two reconcile as Remi even brings presents to help support her new Youtubing career. I really liked this, not only for the butterflies in my belly but the fact that people do work things out in relationships and things don’t just go kaput every time.

Our dear Nimi is spending more time with Tamara as they watch a movie in quite a cozy setup. Nimi tells her about running into Abiye and Kamal, saying that he dislikes the way he reacted and explaining that it’s not in his nature. Readers, pain from betrayal can take you from having a bright personality to a dark personality in minutes, you slowly don’t recognize yourself, then bitterness and revenge cloud your judgement, so as much as possible, don’t let that happen. Nimi and Tamara kiss again and for a minute Nimi sees Abiye yet again but soon shakes it off, before going full in for that kiss.
Abiye is in tears by Kamal’s actions and feels bad for moving on when Nimi hasn’t, she feels Kamal wasn’t being understanding even when she had done the most to prove to him that she wants him. Teni consoles her and makes her understand that she can’t keep waiting for Nimi to move on and that Kamal’s feelings should come first since he is the one she is with now. Teni cheers her up and suggests they go out. At this point, might I add that Teni has been an excellent friend to Nimi and Abiye.
Back to Tamara and Nimi who have just had quite a steamy session. They return to chattering, but things turn cold when Tamara asks his most embarrassing moment. Nimi turns cold and excuses himself. When he returns, he sees Tamara on the phone laughing as Abiye talking to Kamal. He is knocked out of that hallucination when Tamara shouts “I am not Abiye”, which brings Nimi back to reality and he instantly begs Tamara for forgiveness. I am happy this happened because it would be more tricky if he was going through the state of delusion without her knowledge. Tamara is quick to let things slide stating that she understands and they would get over it together, so sweet. Nimi is amazed and asks Tamara to be his girlfriend as he can’t live without her.
A good turn of events if you ask me; Remi really shows that he cares about Maka and is willing to make things work, the same for Nimi and Tamara, but will these acts all be enough for them to last through the hurdles.
Love Like This episode 6 was directed by Adeola Osunkojo and written by Ifeanyi Barbara Chidi.
Rating: B
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Side Musings
- By far my best episode so far.
- Kamal doesn’t seem clean at all, he has something up his sleeve, the same goes for Teni.
A new episode drops every Friday on Ndani TV’s Youtube Channel. We publish a recap every week before the next episode.
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