Oh my, where do we begin? Weather For Two, a 2021 film, was released on Netflix on the 25th of November 2022, and after sitting (forced by duty) for the entire hour and nine minutes that this film (if we can call it that) runs for, it’s hard to explain the experience. Is this a movie about the disadvantages of infidelity in relationships, a family drama, or a mystery plot? 

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Official poster

 Kolade Johnson (Eso Dike) cheats serially on his wife, Adesua (Tope Olowoniyan); one of his cheating partners is Nse (Racheal Emem Isaac), assistant to their family lawyer, Amara (Beverly Osu). Kolade’s cheating makes him neglect his home. With things tense at home, there’s the matter of Kolade’s father’s will, which leaves everything to Kolade’s daughter, but a paternity test must be performed first before the will can be carried out. Then it turns out Kolade and Amara (the family lawyer) are childhood sweethearts who are also having an affair, and nothing is exactly how it looks in this film where numerous narratives and twists are created with no clear path of syncing them.

The execution of many aspects of Weather for Two is amateurish, to say the least, from the plot to the directing and even the acting. Firstly, the title of the film alludes to a romcom plot, and if not, the title teases like a punch line that the film is trying to portray (something raunchy creating other conflicts), but nothing points to this except a scene that turns out to be a dream sequence that contains a murder mystery (yes, a murder mystery). Instead, the film is more of a family drama centered on a feud over family wealth. I can’t imagine that the filmmaking team had any control over any detail of the film at any instance. Weather For Two has neither head nor tail, and it begins and ends on the same confusing note.

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Weather For Two runs for a measly one hour and nine minutes, which should have been considerably less if the pace of the action had been more appropriate. It seems like the actions in the movie are stretched out on purpose to make the movie last longer. Unnecessary scenes that have no bearing on the plot are added, and almost all the scenes have footage where the actors do absolutely nothing, ending up like a short film whose plot has been inadequately expanded into a feature film.

The dynamics of the plot of “Weather For Two are tedious to watch as many details of the plot make no sense. The absence of adequate exposition is the main culprit for this. We do not know the motivations of the characters, and the dialogue does not help, with lines that do not match the ongoing action thrown around. The woes of the film are further deepened by the severe lack of chemistry among the actors; all of them give performances that make you doubt they are acting alongside other actors. It looks more like a reading performance and does not bear evidence of any artistic direction, resulting in a subpar showing from all members of the cast.

Directed by Wale Adesanya, Weather For Two could have been a decent film, but the execution is horrendous. Scripted by Nkeoma Umudu (Choke), there are outrageous twists that do nothing but confuse the plot. They end up being nothing more than outrageous twists that are inconceivable to the plot; resulting in a compilation of random video clips, which makes it painful to watch. Despite its short length, the film heads in no particular direction and has an ending that makes one question what the point of the film is.

Weather For Two is currently streaming on Netflix.

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Side Musings

  • God, my eyes.
  • It’s always better to leave out details that cannot be executed properly or do it with other methods. The attempt at rainfall is pathetic.
  • Why is a lawyer dressed in the office like that?
  • “My source in the medical field”: is there usually a gossip network in the medicine practice?
  • It would have been better as a short film.
  • No other people could have been cast to play the policemen?
  • Who is Dot guy and what’s his relevance to the story?
  • should have stayed in the drafts.
  • How not to do film!


  1. For those who haven’t seen this movie, don’t even bother wasting your time. The plot, storyline and ending are all complete fails. It should be scored a 0.

  2. Is there part 2 of this movie, or what’s the essence of it?

    Is the child a bastard after all? What happened to… like seriously! This is not encouraging at all

  3. Absolute waste of precious time watching this ‘film’! I agree with the writer’s review, especially the side musings, spot on! Should definitely have remained in the drafts.

  4. The movie was a complete waste of time, I thought the dream sequence was leading somewhere so he could discover the truth about who was accusing him of the murder, either his wife (because she looked sketchy too with the Dotman guy and the paternity test) or Amara (since she was plotting with the mother). The writers could have done better with the storyline, it would have been a romantic thriller. Just a pure waste of a good story.

  5. Such a bad movie. I can act better.
    I wish I could unwatch and claim back my time. I havent watched a bad movie like this for some time now.
    This is something you should never consider. Waste of time.

  6. Can someone tell me what this movie is actually about? I just didn’t understand it at all. I’m still waiting for the ending. What was in the envelope? I am so confused right now.

  7. Made absolutely no sense as the ending failed to deliver the intended message. Like the writer stated, it was more or less a compilation of unrelated short video clips.
    Who verifies what is Netflix -worthy?? It should be removed from Netflix. Doesn’t belong there. Truth needs to be told.

  8. Even thow after watching it left me in complete confusion. After much thought, I think the child isn’t his, but really his dad’s. Which makes her his little sister. Because they did state Adeswua was his dad’s secretary. As the truth gets out, she’d be a Bastard Child. To prepare her for that, he left her all his possessions. Just my assumptions…

      • waiting for a good second part is like waiting for Donald Trump to say a single smart word. it wont h a p p e n

    • One of my assumptions too, that the child is the father’s due to the stupid inception kinda dream state but then again he also mentioned that he loved his wife in that dream too and also the wife claimed that the lawyer was a dumb Princess in lala land. So it’s quite jagajaga 😅 I didn’t believe they want us to wait for the part 2. It’s the part 2 I came to look for on the web that I found this blog.😂

  9. This movie ending put a lot of confusion in my head!
    So angry 😡 total rubbish there better be part 2 bunch of jokers! Mtcheeeew rubbish!

  10. I’m shocked you noticed too😂😂😂😂 The reading performance!!!! The entire production is amateur and this has been our story for the longest.
    Actually, some directors who always want short cuts intentionally stretch out a short film to make it a feature film. I knew this few days ago when a director sent me a script to work on. My official script (yayy, I’m low-key excited) – It’s a 30 pages long story so I’m to edit into two more pages and then he’d stretch it into a feature film. I was like, wow! Lol.

    Loved your review, nice blog too. Welldone. I’d be looking up your reviews from time to time.

  11. Like was others said very nonsense and stupid movie. Made no sense at all. I don’t know how the hell Netflix approved and added this rubbish movie. 🤣🤣😂

  12. Literally searched online for reviews because I knew I couldn’t be the only one who thought it was terrible. So confused at what I just watched! Love the side musings lol. I had so many of the same thoughts and questions. That’s 1 hour and 9 minutes of my life I won’t get back.

  13. I dont even know what i just watched. There was no story, but we had to watch a Nollywood movie for our english classes in school. And it was 10 p.m. so we had to pick the shortest movie we could find, but lord if we knew that this movie was a waste of time. I learned nothing and we wrote an oscar nomination speech (our task) full of lies and maximus exaggeration. Thank you for the Samsung Galaxy S3 quality and the camera angle switch every 10 minutes and the rain, that didnt even cover the entire screen. IT WAS A PLEASURE 😀

  14. I rewind the movie 3× to figure out the ending. Needless to say, I have no clue what this movie is about per se. I’m glad it’s only a little over an hour because in my humble opinion, it is a complete fail. There’s too many storylines that are not tied together, all this filth, for what! Is it really his daughter, who who’s who it’s just all over the map. What a fail. Can anyone tell me what is the ending!! They’re rolling the credits, and I don’t know what I’m supposed to have in terms of a conclusion.

  15. Just watched this movie and like some, also skipped back to see if I missed something. It’s an awful movie. What I think happened – Adesuwa was having an affair with the father. The clues are there in the movie – so scattered and not properly brought to screen to make the movie full.

    Kolade said to the lawyer lady – Adesuwa went to his father and told him she was pregnant before she told him. It is possible she went to tell him she was pregnant for him and he made her marry the son to cover it up.

    It is possible the mother suspected the child might be her deceased husband’s and got confirmation on opening the envelope.

    As someone else mentioned – the father leaving everything to the little girl maybe an indication that he knew she is his and is making sure she is taken care of always.

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  17. So five people sat down to cook up this story? What were they thinking? And those acting, is it so hard to get roles that they had to settle for this nonsense? Definitely fit for the hall of shame. Netflix can really disappoint.

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